Wildlife observations and conservation issues in
south east London and further afield (from a green political perspective)
US social scientist Kenneth Boulding : ‘If you believe exponential growth can go on in a finite world, you are either a madman or an economist’.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
26/5/10: Death on the Nile (well, okay, the Cray)
Strangely, I hadn't noticed this large Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna) - now in flower - before, though it is only a few metres from the Cray Riverkeepers' yard on the riverbank.
A poisonous plant, occasional to locally frequent in south and east England, this is my first ever record of it.
Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna) in flower by Footpath 106 on the River Cray
See my other site http://gardensnotcarparks.blogspot.com/ if you share my objection to front gardens being paved over for car parking, and are looking for information resources to use in agitating against this destructive practice. All help welcome !
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CHECK OUT the list of 'labels' at the foot of this column for a flavour of the species, sites and subjects covered .....
> To foster an appreciation of wildlife, both common and rare, in and around the London Borough of Bexley and other parts of the capital > To show that interesting and unusual wildlife can be found in 'mundane' and unexpected places such as back alleyways, by roadsides and railway lines > To encourge others to record their local wildlife and submit records to the relevant Regional Biological Records Centre > To lobby for a more joined-up approach to conservation that blurs the distinction between gardens, parks, verges, alloments and 'wildlife' reserves, and for less aggressive vegetation management practices along grass verges and on other scraps of open land, especially in urban areas > To highlight, from time to time, other 'global' issues - such as paving over gardens for car parking, the lunatic pursuit of infinite economic growth and so on - that impact on conservation imperatives, but that are glossed over by the 'mainstream' media PLEASE GET IN TOUCH IF YOU ARE RECORDING IN OR AROUND THE LONDON BOROUGH OF BEXLEY, AND HAVE ANY PARTICULARLY INTERESTING FINDS
Wildlife recorder and conservationist by inclination, National Election Agent of the Green Party of England and Wales by profession (all comments in this blog are my personal opinions), plant collector and one-time amateur ornamental plant breeder by obsession.
Originally from S.E. London, I lived in Bristol from September 1978 to April 2009, when I moved back to the northern part of Barnehurst (between Northumberland Heath and the Bexleyheath railway line).
I kept in close touch with conservation issues in the area during my time away, especially since 2004 when I began serious recording again after a 20 year break. I am actively involved with Lesnes Abbey Conservation Volunteers and Cray Riverkeeper Volunteers (for whom I am Site Manager for Thames Road Wetland), and have submitted comments and proposals in respect of various Bexley Council planning issues and draft strategy documents affecting allotments, open spaces and wildlife.
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